Display Data

Display Data

Display HTML

Use the div method to display html.

await div(`<h1>Hi</h1>`)

Add Padding

The second argument of div allows you to add tailwind classes to the container of your html. For example, p-5 will add a padding: 1.25rem; to the container.

await div(`<h1>Hi</h1>`, `p-5`)

Display Markdown

Pass a string of markdown to the md method. This will convert the markdown to html which you can then pass to the div

let html = md(`
# Hi
await div(html)

If you want to highlight your markdown, pass the markdown string to the await highlight() method:

let html = await highlight(`
# Hi
await div(html)

Create a New Window

Use the show method to spawn a new, persisting window that is disconnected from the script.

Much future work will be put into components/widgets that can run outside of the main app UI, but for now, it simply display any html you send to it:

<div class="bg-black text-white h-screen p-5">
Hello there!
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